Watching Daytona 500, learning Storybook Creator Plus a very cool program offered by Creative Memories. Much like Photoshop, but cheaper and easier! I love it! I created the above layout in this program. Cool huh!
I'm pretty nervous about my video shoot with Altru tomorrow. Mostly because I'm not at all happy about my weight yet. So mostly to see myelf in a video is going to be hard. But, the ability to hopefully help someone else is the best feeling!
I think i'm going to go in for another fill. Probably not a full cc, maybe a half. I've noticed in the last couple weeks that every few days the restriction isn't what it was days prior. It's common tho, I could go in for a fill this time and may not need to go back for months.
I am really sore, my back muscles are hurting alot! My right wrist too! It's all good tho! Cam is a gentleman that works for Center Court Fitness and is really good at raquet ball. He gave me a brand new very cool raquet several weeks ago and Friday he showed me how to swing better and gave me some tips on how to play better. It was awesome to learn how to swing better. I am finding I really love raquet ball! It's great exercise, give it a try!
Take care,
"The formula for complete happiness is to be very busy with the unimportant."- A. Edward Newton
Nice layout! It reminds me I need to photograph the picture you made me for Christmas, yikes was that 2 months ago? You'll be fine in the video, you're being way too hard on yourself! I wish I could say I've lost 37 pounds! Perhaps taking a look at what you're eating...I don't know, slow weight loss is always the best.....I'll be posting my soup recipe tomorrow so it's always there :). Much love!
Thanks sister, always great to come to my blog and read words of encouragment from you! I better go find that soup recipe! love you much!
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