Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I love M&M's

I really need to stop grabbing M&M's, chocolate, chips.......Sure, it's about all I eat, but it's really holding me back. Geez, as hard as I work out, you would think I would have a little more will power!

Alright, enough is enough! I need to make a promise to you, yes you! And I need you to ask me how i'm doing.

I promise to not buy another bag of M&M's! hmmm, for a month! How bout I take er a month at a time! yeah! SO, no M&M's until May 16!

I promise to also cut back on snacky foods and focus on eating better!

Have a great day!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kerri -
I promise to you I will do my best to knock that junk out of your hand.
I need your help too, being accountable for what I eat.
Maybe a quick 1 minute email at the end of each day - Today I had: ...
Take care- see you tonight!