Friday, June 27, 2008


It's Friday and so far this week I have only worked out twice! I went to the gym Wednesday and decided to get on the treadmill after taking a few weeks off from running. Just was so busy.
I tell ya, it doesn't take long to get out of shape! I went 2 miles and was still able to run for some of it, but it sure was tuffer than I thought it would be.

Fridays are always busy at work, Savanna comes home from a week at camp! YIPPY! and I have to go to Mayville "Heroes and Legends Sports Bar" for a remote. Hmmm, no time for a work out today! I usually take the week ends off, at least one day but this week end i'm gonna work out Saturday and Sunday!

July 4th i'll be doing the Sertoma/YMCA 5k! Looking forward to that, if you want to join me, please do!

Enjoy the Week end!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy Birthday MOMMY!

The best birthday present a mom could ask for! Savanna is my 9 year old daughter. She called our morning show and wished me a happy birthday!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Birthday to me

Hi, I finally had some time to put together this nice little birthday present!

Thanks Denny!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Thank You Altru!

Altru puts out a quarterly magazine called Everyday, Improving Health, Enriching Life. If you happen to pick it up, (it was in last Sundays paper too) they did a feature story on me and my LAP BAND journey.

It's pretty cool and an honor to be published in their magazine. I love the opportunity to help anyone who is struggling with weight loss.

Just wanted to say thanks to Altru and thank you for taking the time to read it!


Monday, June 9, 2008

Exercise feels great....I think

Hey, we went to the lake this week end and after a week of not working out...I decided to do for a little run...well.....walk. fast walk anyway. I put on my running shoes and headed out the cabin door. It felt SO good to be outside walking/running getting some exercise! Boy, those hills are a little tuff when you're used to flat ground! ha ha

I kept saying to myself, "this is not fun". joking of coarse!

Wanna run the sertoma 5K with me on July 4th? Would love some company!

Back to work today and back at the gym. Played some raquetball by myself, felt great!

It's 7pm and i'm ready for bed! Nashville Star is on, can't miss it! Go Alyson and Ashley!

take care,

Friday, June 6, 2008

Things that make you CRY

  • My dear friend Lynae's funeral was today-tho I shed many tears, there is so much comfort knowing she is in heaven.
  • When I returned to work to finish the day, we all were asked to move our network folders to a different drive. I CUT/PASTED my folders and proceded to record my Sunday Sonrise show (Christian radio show/9-11am on 104.3). hmmm all my other folders seem to be here, where is my Sunday Sonrise folder? What happened?!!!! oh no, this can't be true! ALL my data is in this folder for my show, audio, artist bio's, song explanations, pictures of the bands, hours of work i've done........I can't find the's GONE! after spending 45 minutes trying to find it, .....I gave up. Now I have to start from the beginning. I cried, alot.
  • Not enough sleep this week, worked-out Monday, that was it. I was too tired from working all day and teaching VBS at night.

Going to the lake this week end, I think i'll sleep!

enjoy the week end...oh, I just ate a home-made bun...couldn't resist and now i'm paying for it. It's stuck and it hurts. dang it! Trying to burp it out!


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Summer time challanges

I have been struggling with keeping my work out routine. Things get so busy at work and VBS is this week, yard work..... and my's really hard to keep up my routine! Plus going to the gym when it is so nice out is very hard for me! So, yesterday I went home and ran, I only ran 2 miles but it was alot of mental work just to make myself do that!

It's so easy to just slip out of a routine, It is taking all I have right now to keep with some sort of daily exercise! BUT, I will tell you I am keeping up with exersice as hard as it is. I'm not giving in to NOT working out! I hope my words today can be encouraging to you and help you PUSH YOURSELF to just do it!

Enjoy the day!