Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lapband update 110509

Good Morning,

I'm feeling good about the fact that i've been running 2 miles everyday. Well, Monday thru Friday anyway. I take our dog out on one of our back roads, and run 2 miles. I'm pushing myself to run longer stretches of "faster", rather than "longer" distances.

I've been asking myself if I should attempt the Fargo 1/2 marathon. I'm a person who has to keep goals out there in front of me and that would be an excellent goal. and a BIG one!

I never understood it when runners would talk about running being addicting. I'm starting to understand that now!

eating is going ok, I really need to cut back on sweets. That is my biggest struggle right now!

Food hasn't been getting stuck, which is great.

Have a great Thursday!