I didn't think I was ever gonna get to 50 pounds! I have been trying to get to 50 pounds lost for at least 6 weeks. It's getting really tuff now, the weight isn't coming off as easy as I would like, but I also keep in mind it's the healthy way to loose!
Man it's been alot of work! :-)
The biggest struggle I have is eating right, eating healthy because it seems as tho much of the food that's "good" for me, I can't eat because it gets stuck and is just too much work! I end up resorting to those foods that I know won't get stuck. Like chocolate, chips, (I do drink BOOST everyday)
I can sit and eat a 1/2 cup of reeses pieces with no problem! Of coarse, I don't eat anything else.....
I have to eat really S L O W!! sometimes I forget cuz i'm hungry and it's too late! it's stuck! "sigh"
I get frustrated at times because I JUST WANT TO EAT IT! LOL.....but can't!
I've really noticed the difference in the way I eat now. The size of my bites are tiny...tiny...tiny! and I chew....chew....chew! Ha, don't go out to eat with me, we'll be there FOREVER! I usually end up taking my food home and eating it later at a much slower pace!
No, I wouldn't change a thing....my band is where it should be, i'm so thankful I HAD THE SURGERY! Wouldn't change that. I just have to continue to teach myself what to eat and how to eat!
Now, where is the ice cream! LOL
take care!