Hey there, I did it! Yippy! What an incredible experience! It was amazing to see so many people ranging in age! kids, teens, up to an 82 year old man who ran! I think it's great so many parents understand the importance of teaching their kids about a healthy lifestyle!
It took me 44:57 but I did it and I ran the whole way. Sure, a SLOW run, but my goal was to NOT walk and I didn't!
OVERALL PLACE: 2634 out of 6824
Not too bad! top 39%
Thank you so much to Jay Nelson, my brother in law for being right there for me a the last stretch......I was coming around the bend, exhausted and ready to give up and walk and there was Jay! He jumped in next to me and helped me "GO FOR IT"! Thank you and I am proud of you too Jay!
Jay Nelson: 25:05
in his division: 11th out of 368
in his gender: 206 out of 3551
I hope you know if there is something you want to do in life, you CAN do it! I NEVER would have thought I could run a 5K and I did! Just put your mind to it and GO FAR! Get it? FARGO MARATHON is GO FAR! he he
You can check out the pictures my sister and mom took at the link above!
Take Care!
CONGRATULATIONS! top 39% is pretty awesome! I'm hoping to get on track now that I'll be back to a more normal work schedule....:) Great job and you're looking awesome! I'm jealous :) Love you!
Thank you sistah! and you can do it too! I would LOVE to run next year with my family! That would be so amazing! It is the most incredible feeling, words can't express how good I feel and thankful I am to have had Jay there!
love you much!
Great job! I just stopped by from Kathi's blog to congratulate you on a job well done.
Thank you cinj!
Appreciate you taking the time to write a note and check out my blog!
Congratulations that is awesome! I'd love to be able to do something like that again! I used to run when I was much younger, never in a marathon though and now I'd be lucky to run down the block!
Your an inspiration!
I'm so stinkin' proud of you!
Kerri you are awesome! Keep up the hard work, and the positive attitude!! Rock on ;-)
HI, I just wanted to say thank you for leaving comments for me! IT means so much!
I'm thinking about running in the 5K here in Grand Forks on July 4th. I just need to stay motivated and the way I do that is to keep a goal out there in front of me!
Wanna run with me? that'd be awesome!
Thanks again and enjoy the Memorial week end!
Hey! You have a blog, too! I found it in a Google search, and realized it was THAT Kerri. Cool!
Anyway, congratulations on your race. You did great, and should be very proud! Also, thanks again for the interview. I really appreciated the opportunity to talk about running with you and your listeners.
Take care!
Keri, so we headed out to the Flip this Living room contest, my sis and I. It was amazing to for even one of us to be in the running--but for both of us total fun (her name was drawn she got me pumped via e-mail and then my name was the next one drawn!) My sister and I live 4 doors away from each other. She's at times my life-line!
Anyways, we had fun and realized maybe we didn't win, but we did win Reba tickets last year. So then we thought, gosh we should let you guys know how that went for us.
Well, we had an extra ticket, right? So, knowing my step-daughter wanted to bring a friend for her first concert I offered her that option. Well, her mom wouldn't let her friend come, she didn't want to drive with a 13-year old stranger. So, next thing we know my sister and I are traveling from Crookston to Minot with my husband's ex-wife and her boyfriend (in the same vehicle!) The vehicle broke down outside of Minot (about 45 minutes away). Thank God for Onstar! Praise you Lord, Jesus for sending those folks who drug us into town--missing out on some of their activities. We made it to the fair grounds. We missed 1/2 the concert! I love Reba! She's my favorite. I was bummed.
So, I spent a good 2 plus hours listening to my husbands ex complain about our parenting time, child support, lack of money, etc. and my sister and I bit our tongues. We made the most of an ackward situation and were very commited to showing my step-daughter who just wants the two sides to get along that it could be done. I have feelings about his ex-wife but I can co-parent, just wish we could get along more for the good of the kids.
Since Dec. our stuck-in-the-middle daughter hasn't come home. All of her Christmas gifts still sit wrapped under her bed. And we miss her, but thanks to KYCK we made some good memories and my freaked out sister took pictures of her broken down truck on the side of the road to scrap book our trip. We love being interactive with our radio.
I noticed on your profile you also listen to Christian music. We do too. And you've commented on scrapbooking and my sisters are the scrapbooking diva's! Seriously. I agreed to go on their trip to Kohl's resort over MEA but it was mostly to be a good sport...they're there for me, right!
Take Care & God Bless & keep truckin! Pray for our & that our daughter would come home soon! We miss her!
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