Hello, I've been trying to think of the words to share all day and I thought about Caitlin's funeral and Pastor Felix sharing Caitlin's love for life. She was so active, excelled at everything she did Volleyball, Hockey, Baseball, Skiing, and tho she led a busy life, her life was never to busy for God. And that in itself is amazing and will leave a legacy for all those in her life. I believe her confirmation verse says so much about her love for those around her.
John 14:16-17And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.Here is a picture of Caitlin's mom and I. Tanisha(my oldest daughter) and I spent some time with Loni Saturday morning! Never pass up an opportunity to spend time with your friends!
Take Care,
I was so sorry to hear about Caitlin, as a parent you can't imagine loosing your child. I hope you can hold onto the thought that comes to my mind:to be absent from the body is to be present with our Lord. I pray for God's love and peace to surround each one of these families.
How are you holding up Kerri?
Hi there, i'm doing ok. It hurts knowing how much Loni is going thru, I wish I was closer so I could be there for her. That really bothers me. I talked with Loni via text on Mothers Day, let her know I love her and am praying for her. She was obviously having a crappy mothers day!
Keep praying for them! thanks
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