Thursday, October 23, 2008

So Far....So Good...eating is going alot better

Tomorrow it will be a week since I have 1cc of saline taken out and for the most part, it feels great! I have been able to eat much healthier and it's been more comfortable getting food down. I think there has only been a couple times food felt "stuck" and it wasn't near as painful as it has been.

On the flip side, I feel like I'm eating too much. I just have to be very mindful of what and how i'm eating.
Example, last night we went to Taco Bell and I ate pintos and cheese and 2 volcano taco's. Now before, I could eat the pintos and cheese and maybe a couple bites of 1 taco. BUT, I would end up eating chocolate or ice cream.

Tomorrow is my class, Healthy Creations, we'll see how i've done this week on the scale! Even if it's a pound, it's better than the last 4 or 5 weeks where i've not lost anything.

Enjoy and talk to you soon!



Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

It sounds like you're able to eat easier which is good but taco bell is not a good choice, I've been craving a good chicken taco salad there with no shell....mmmm but I do try to stay away from there. You could try mom's blendo diet....just blend only raw fruits and veggies! I'm not so sure the cookie baking is going to be a good thing for us...they are soft and go down easy...LOL!

Have a wonderful day!
love you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to you and the Boop-a-thon team I have been able to keep 30 pounds off since 21 Nov 2007 and take an addition 6 off. And I am still running 3 to 5 days a week. I missed you at the Halloween Howler, could have used Ken Morgans bicycle too, it was quite cold and windy) Wish you only the best Kerri! ;)

Wendy said...

You might surprise yourself. Since you can fill up with healthier foods, you're probably less likely to justify higher fat/calorie items like ice cream and chocolate. I wouldn't be surprised if the scale dropped a bit. How did you do?

Pastor Paul said...

Proud of you girl. Keep it up. Great having you at HOPE.

Pastor Paul