It was a year ago, about this time (6am) my dear friend Sarah called to tell me Caitlin was involved in a car accident and taken to be with her heavenly Father. Not a day has gone by that I have not thought about Caitlin and her family! Please pray for Loni and John her mom and dad, mostly Loni because she is one of my best friends and I love her dearly!
I know You want my very all.
But wells are deep; how can I give
The wordless pain in which I live!
It's night, O Lord, be swift to hear;
To bring relief for falling tears.
Needless pain, don't let it be;
But healing pain, to set me free.
Be still, My child; My whispers hear.
Lean hard, My child; come very near.
This well so deep with suffering filled
Must empty first, till all is still.
I'll take the hurt; I'll take the strife;
In Hands so strong I'll hold your life.
I'll fill the well with heaven's gain,
When you, My child, give Me the pain.
I'll take it, mold it, make it Mine;
Transform it then to love divine.
Turn sorrow into fullest joy
Far greater than earth's brightest toy.
For toys of earth cannot compare
With Christ your Lord, so real, so fair.
He, Christ alone, demands your all
Give Me that pain, He softly calls.
I shrink, then reach with outstretched hand;
Dredged of self, alone to stand.
Then from the depths of Love so true
The well is filled again, anew.
This time it's not with pain and me,
But Christ my all, my joy to be.
To depths before unknown I climb
His peace, His joy, His life all mine.
For pain so deep, felt all alone,
Is fertile ground for Love--His own!
Love that fills and meets life's need;
O deep, deep well, I'm rich indeed.
Filled up with Him, His love alone;
His way revealed; His glory shone.
O well of deep, dark yesterday;
Embrace the joy He gives today.
O, night, no longer fear your dark;
He stills the aching, struggling heart.
And from that heart--life's deepening well,
Comes love to share; rich joy to tell.
O, night, give way to endless day!
I've found His depths, His highest way!
O, night, give way to morning's dew;
The well is deep; the source is You!