Sunday, February 22, 2009

uh oh. pizza didn't get stuck

I say uh oh because after having lapband surgery, pizza has always been something I couldn't eat because of that. I was able to eat two pieces Friday night. Well, this may sound silly to you but for me, it bothers me and makes me think it's time to go get a fill.

I am really frustrated, I am working out pretty regular, I go to the gym for about an hour a day and work out pretty hard. My eating is still not where it should be, but it's not like I eat like a pig, because I don't! But I can't loose any weight and I don't feel like i'm loosing enough body fat that I should considering the exercise i'm doing.

rggggggg, i'm frustrated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that happens to me sometimes too Kerry - I can eat and things never get stuck then the next time I eat something - it gets stuck and hurts....I think it is different times in the day/night etc. today for lunch I had 3 microwavable egg rolls and still didnt fill filled up....but i am after I stopped eating...its weird. You are not alone on this. Take care - Jules