Sunday, December 28, 2008
finally feeling better....being sick is not fun!
I was chatting with a long distant friend on my way to the gym Thursday and he made the comment, "working out? during the holidays? No, don't do that!".
That was the first time I had been to the gym in almost two weeks because I was sick for over a week. Not only is it not fun being sick but getting back into a work out routine is tuff, even after missing only a couple weeks!
But, I did it! I did not want to go either, I was tired and didn't want to go, but I felt great!
I hope I can encourage you to work thru the feelings you have of not working out. Whatever is keeping you from working out, I hope you can face that issue and do it anyway! Force yourself to work out, you will feel so much better!
Take care,
Christmas devotion from Pastor Paul
I pray your Christmas was amazing and blessed!
The Gift of Love
By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. 1 John 4:9
“Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to destroy Him.” So Joseph got up and took the Child and His mother while it was still night, and left for Egypt. Matthew 2:13-14
“Christmas, a time of God’s love manifested on the earth,” she recounted from the church Christmas Eve play she had just attended. She was home now on this crisp, cold evening, trudging from her car up the squeaky snow-covered sidewalk to the front door. “Yeah right,” she muttered. She fumbled for her keys but before opening the door it seemed the winds whispering through the leave-less trees beckoned her to follow.
She decided she could brave the cold a little longer and picked her way around the icy sidewalk and driveway to the backyard which was surrounded by tall trees leaving a dark starlit sky in the middle; the stars looked extra bright in the mini-backyard planetarium. She took a deep breath of the cool air and began to imagine what God must have felt on that cold night in Bethlehem, as He sent His only son in the form of a helpless baby. He hadn’t been this intimate with man since the Garden and He knew satan would try to kill Him within days of his arrival.
“He truly loved the world,” she murmured in awe. “To send Your Son into wickedness to save us from our own wickedness. You really had to love us . . . to love me.” With a little more energy in her step, comfort in her heart, peace in her mind, and redness on her nose, she made her way into the house., contented beyond words.
Lord, thank You for your gift of love, sending Your Son into wickedness to save us. Help me to be mindful of the sacrifice You made and the gift You gave, not just this next week but during the upcoming year as well. Help me to walk in the love that You so readily show to me.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Happy Merry Christmas
Why can't I find balance in my life?
Anyway, i've been working ALOT, many remotes here, which I love to do! It gives me a chance to be with listeners and get to know each one!
I wanted to share my measurements with you, I was pretty excited!
Forearm-lost 1/4 inch
Upper Arm-lost 1 1/4 inch
Chest-lost 7 3/4 inches
Waist lost-5 1/2 inches
Hips lost-9 inches
Thigh lost-1 1/2 inches
Calf lost-2 inches
I've been sick all week, between working so much and being sick I haven't been to the gym. Monday I will be there, join me!
Merry Blessed Christmas!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Lapband update 12 03 08
Sigh......I gotta get more put back in, this is crazy!
Hubby needs to fix my laptop.
A quicky for now! Will catch up with my measurements tomorrow!
Awesome news to share with you!
Take Care and Happy Holidays!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Deer Jumped in front of my car!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Marshmallow Cherry Chocolate Reindeer are yummy
Oh, ate a big bowl of ice cream too, pumkin spice. But it was light! LOL
Couldn't eat my chicken noodle soup for supper tho, wasn't going down. Isn't that funny. Actually it was has been going down good. Too good, I think.
I am tired and should be sleeping! and i'm watching the CMA's and The Eagles are performing and they are looking mighty old. yes, I know they're old....but......
Sunday, November 9, 2008
My metabolism is slow, it's the way God made me. With that thought and struggling with what i'm putting in my mouth i'm going to have a 1/2 cc put back in.
I think........
Sunday, November 2, 2008
eating and exercise
I have been pretty good about watching what I eat, portion size and all. I just give in to the chocolate. Well, I was doing fine until Halloween! ha....
My mom is leading a Vegan lifestyle and she is very motivating for me right now.
that is a great website, check it out when you have some time! and if you have any good vegan eating ideas, let me know!
Enjoy the week!
Fireproof- a great movie!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
So Far....So Good...eating is going alot better
On the flip side, I feel like I'm eating too much. I just have to be very mindful of what and how i'm eating.
Example, last night we went to Taco Bell and I ate pintos and cheese and 2 volcano taco's. Now before, I could eat the pintos and cheese and maybe a couple bites of 1 taco. BUT, I would end up eating chocolate or ice cream.
Tomorrow is my class, Healthy Creations, we'll see how i've done this week on the scale! Even if it's a pound, it's better than the last 4 or 5 weeks where i've not lost anything.
Enjoy and talk to you soon!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Lake Itasca trip
Lapband Lessons
Today I was able to eat chicken, cucumbers and it was great!
Yes, I am fearfull of eating too much. But i'm hoping I have the right amount of fill and therefor I will be able to feel full and not overeat.
It's such a learning process, and I know this will continue to be a huge challange.
I look forward to this week, to eat healthier!
Have a great week!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
No more rice for me...
I went upstairs to clean up after supper...ate a few pieces of cooked brocolli and a few bites of rice. UH OH, big mistake. It didn't get stuck but boy did I spend a night in pain. I spent the night going back and forth to the bathroom trying to get the pain to go away by puking it up. NO luck. Finally, about 1/2 hour prior to my normal wake up time, got up drank a big cup of water thinking it would make me puke, no luck with that but it did take some of the pain away. I finally got about 1/2 hour of sleep.
I stuck to liquids today and called my dr to make an apt to have some of my fill taken out. This is kinda scary. What if i'm able to At this point it's the best thing, I probably should have gone in months ago. But, this is a learning experience, one I hope you will benefit from!
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Do you ever feel like you just can't keep up?
Going to the Dr on Friday to have cortisone shots in my heels. I just can't take the pain anymore, plus I want to run again and I can't. Ha, not that I ran very fast or far anyway.
Really enjoying the Healthy Creations class I'm taking at Center Court fitness. I've started keeping track of what I'm eating. Yeah, 3 weeks into the class and I finally decide I should follow the rules! LOL
I ended up typing up my own spreadsheet(food diary), rather than hand write the info in the paper they gave us. It's easier for me to work on my computer rather than keep track of papers!
Still no weight loss, I keep loosing and gaining the same 4 pounds. Exercising on a regular basis again so......... Lord I hope some weight starts coming off!
This is getting too long, you won't have time to read it!
take care and I pray you are doing great!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Check us out! he he
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Need a boost!
Still having some heel pain so i've been riding the recumbant bike at the gym rather than trying to trot on the treadmill. Seems to help some, .at least I don't need a cane to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom.
Last Friday I started a 12 week program at Center Court called Healthy Creations. I think most lapbanders would agree that one of the hard parts of this new way of eating is eating healthy. Because so much of the bad non healthy foods seem to go down with no problems. Many fruits, vegtables, meats are very tuff to eat because they don't go down. So, i've been having a hard time loosing any more weight.
The program is focused on more than exercise and eating right, it also focuses on having a healthy positive mind and how we can see ourselves in a positive way! I have to tell ya tho, I hate keeping track and tracking what I eat! I have a very hard time finding the time to do it! I will try tho!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Fall is in the air!
Just checkin in with some thoughts.
1. food is not getting as stuck as it was.....i'm trying to eat healthier and being more aware of what i'm eating. I've gotten into the habit of eating the bad foods that I know won't get stuck.
2. Fall is my favorite time of the year and I love the cool nights! And of coarse, the leaves changing colors!
3. We have a 2004 ATV Polaris Sportman 500 we have to sell, if you know anyone, send them my way!
4. I've had additional responsibilities at work lately, it's hard to keep up right now so I'm feeling a bit stressed and finding it harder to stick to my work outs!
5. If you are in Larimore this Thursday, September 18th. Do Not miss speaker and chalk artist Bob Upgren at the high school, 7pm
6. Tanisha starts her new job tomorrow at Altru (pharmacy).
7. I'm tired!
Enjoy the rest of the week, and may you find time to get to know God and draw closer to Him! Pray for me!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Whatz up
Tanisha and Steve JR. are now here with us. We cleaned out their house in Hibbing and moved everything into storage here in Grand Forks. Love having them here!
Steve Jr. did great on his physical fitness test for the job at the correction dept.
Tanisha starts at Altru on Monday! She's excited to work there! She is also going to college, taking her on line classes. Yuck, glad it's not me.
Savanna is taking a shower and off to bed for another day at school.
Steve is on his Apple laptop. I think it's glued to his stomach! LOL
Food is going down easier these days. I've REALLY been trying to ssssslow down when i'm eating! it's helping! Imagine that.
The gym is calling my name! tomorrow!
Tailgating was alot of fun on Saturday and UND won! yeah!
Enjoy your week!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Wow, what a difference a year has made.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
oh man my heels hurt!
My right heel has been hurting alot lately, usually it's just in the mornings but lately it has been on going thru the day.
Unfortunately, it's only been 5 months and I can only have the cortisone every 6 months. Man, that stinks!
I'm having a really hard time running because it's too painful....another bummer! I had hoped to run the 8k at the big Potato Bowl mid September....Don't think that's gonna happen.
So, i'm doing my best to deal with the pain and still get a great work out in!
Hope you are doing great!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Feels like starting over......workin out isn't fun!
Savanna and I went to work out today. Ok, I have been having a tuff time getting in the gym to work out. I've been averaging a couple times a week, no where n.ear as often as I should be working out and today I could tell.
This would be the only reason I am glad fall is just around the corner, because it's much easier to stay consistant!
My heels really hurt tonight! anyway, I'm very tired. Off to bed.
Have a great week! Hope all is going great with you!
Wholy cow, look at that guys arms! (mens olympics/rings)...I love gymnastics!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Lucky our precious dog was killed tonight.
I was so tired I fell asleep downstairs and about 6:30 my daughter Tanisha came running downstairs shouting that Lucky had been hit by a car. I can NOT handle these kinds of things so all I could do is call the vet and cry. Thankfully her husband Steve was right there, down the road with Lucky. Steve was on the way home and got to Steve and Lucky a few minutes later. Lucky had already been gone tho. Whoever hit Lucky didn't stop, thankfully a lady driving by came to our house and asked if we had a dog.
We are so sad, Lucky was the best dog ever. He was always full of love and Lucky always wanted to snuggle! Such a loving dog!
We will miss him alot!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Kerri's Progress
Monday, August 4, 2008
Why I fear a band adjustment
I am here at work, with a few short minutes to type a few thoughts.
I continue to struggle with food getting "stuck". I also continue to be confused with why some foods go down with no problems, but they should be a problem.
I am afraid if I go in and have some taken out that I will be able to eat too much and won't be able to control that "over-eating" thing. I know, you are probably telling me I should have more confidence in myself and you are right. Honestly, what I'm able to eat, isn't the healthiest.
I will call and have some taken out, the worst that will happen is I will be able to eat too much and then I can just go back in and have an adjustment! Yeah! that sounds perfect!
I will let you know!
Enjoy the Day!
Reached a goal! finally!
Last week I finally reached a weight loss goal. I had been stuck at my weight and wasn't able to take any pounds off. I also decided at the start of last week I was going to get back into my work out routine and I said I would work out 3 days and I DID! YEAH!!!
Do you see what happened there? I worked out AND I lost pounds I hadn't been able to loose???
Yep, you MUST eat healthy, eat fewer calories AND exercise to be succesful with your weight loss!
Have a great week, and I again and putting a goal out there, 3 work outs this week! I would say 4, but since We Fest is this week, I don't want to put a goal out there I may not be able to reach.
Enjoy the week!
Monday, July 28, 2008
great new regarding my daughter
My oldest daughter Tanisha and son in law Steve Jr. sold their house in Hibbing yesterday! Sold in a week! They sold it on their own too which is great!
Steve Jr. also passed his phsyc test today! Tanisha has a job lead in the pharmacy at Altru hospital here in Grand Forks.
Steve's first week on the job as the new police officer in Larimore went great! He really enjoys working with Jeremy Hanson the Chief in Larimore!
I am so thankful and so blessed to have them move so close to us! It's been such a treat having Steve Jr. here in the house! oh, and their dog Smorzie!
take care,
Food isn't getting stuck so much???
We went out to eat at Speedway last night and I was able to eat some cheese/ham bites, walleye bites and some bloomin onion. No problems at all.....very strange......first time in a long time I can remember it being that easy to eat!
Today, I finally got a healthy choice meal down. Of coarse there was pasta in it and pasta doesn't go down well at all......
I emailed my doctor(havent heard back) about why the changes in the tightness of the band. It will be interesting to hear what she says about it.
Finally went to work out. I have been so terrible out keeping with my routine. Sure i've been exercising a couple days a week, but that is just not enough. Summer has been so busy! Good thing it's been an active one! My goal is to get to the gym 3 times this week!
Enjoy the week! thanks for checking out my blog!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Food is getting stuck alot and I don't know why
Seems like anything solid is getting stuck. Unfortunately i've been eating bad food, you know the stuff that goes down easy. Chocolate, ice cream, chips, and i've been eating soup. I've heard from the discussion board it could be due to it being close to "that time of the month". But I don't think that's the case........
I think I will email my dr and see what she says!
take care!
Firecracker 5K yeah, I did it!

Kerri Drees 42:50
there's my time. My Fargo Marathon time was 44:57. so I beat it by about 2 minutes and 7 seconds! Hey, every second counts! That's all I wanted to do, beat my last 5k time!
Yesterday, I went out for my run/walk and I was amazed at how well I felt and did! I actually didn't hate it! LOL, that is amazing! I hate running, I am terrible at it.....but like I said, yesterday actually felt really good! Maybe i'll start to like it!
If you would like to join me Saturday August 2nd for the 5K or half marathon(yeah right), I will be doing the Cats Incredible 5K. Join me! for details or email me!
Take Care
Friday, June 27, 2008
I tell ya, it doesn't take long to get out of shape! I went 2 miles and was still able to run for some of it, but it sure was tuffer than I thought it would be.
Fridays are always busy at work, Savanna comes home from a week at camp! YIPPY! and I have to go to Mayville "Heroes and Legends Sports Bar" for a remote. Hmmm, no time for a work out today! I usually take the week ends off, at least one day but this week end i'm gonna work out Saturday and Sunday!
July 4th i'll be doing the Sertoma/YMCA 5k! Looking forward to that, if you want to join me, please do!
Enjoy the Week end!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Happy Birthday MOMMY!
The best birthday present a mom could ask for! Savanna is my 9 year old daughter. She called our morning show and wished me a happy birthday!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Happy Birthday to me
Hi, I finally had some time to put together this nice little birthday present!
Thanks Denny!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Thank You Altru!
It's pretty cool and an honor to be published in their magazine. I love the opportunity to help anyone who is struggling with weight loss.
Just wanted to say thanks to Altru and thank you for taking the time to read it!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Exercise feels great....I think
I kept saying to myself, "this is not fun". joking of coarse!
Wanna run the sertoma 5K with me on July 4th? Would love some company!
Back to work today and back at the gym. Played some raquetball by myself, felt great!
It's 7pm and i'm ready for bed! Nashville Star is on, can't miss it! Go Alyson and Ashley!
take care,
Friday, June 6, 2008
Things that make you CRY
- My dear friend Lynae's funeral was today-tho I shed many tears, there is so much comfort knowing she is in heaven.
- When I returned to work to finish the day, we all were asked to move our network folders to a different drive. I CUT/PASTED my folders and proceded to record my Sunday Sonrise show (Christian radio show/9-11am on 104.3). hmmm all my other folders seem to be here, where is my Sunday Sonrise folder? What happened?!!!! oh no, this can't be true! ALL my data is in this folder for my show, audio, artist bio's, song explanations, pictures of the bands, hours of work i've done........I can't find the's GONE! after spending 45 minutes trying to find it, .....I gave up. Now I have to start from the beginning. I cried, alot.
- Not enough sleep this week, worked-out Monday, that was it. I was too tired from working all day and teaching VBS at night.
Going to the lake this week end, I think i'll sleep!
enjoy the week end...oh, I just ate a home-made bun...couldn't resist and now i'm paying for it. It's stuck and it hurts. dang it! Trying to burp it out!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Summer time challanges
It's so easy to just slip out of a routine, It is taking all I have right now to keep with some sort of daily exercise! BUT, I will tell you I am keeping up with exersice as hard as it is. I'm not giving in to NOT working out! I hope my words today can be encouraging to you and help you PUSH YOURSELF to just do it!
Enjoy the day!
Friday, May 30, 2008
The loss of a dear friend, Lynae Sondreal

It's obvious God has bigger plans for her and ..........
We are all so thankful she knew the Lord! Wow, what a blessing knowing where she is today! Praise God!
Pray for Lynae's family and friends!
God Bless,
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Reached another goal....FINALLY!
Man it's been alot of work! :-)
The biggest struggle I have is eating right, eating healthy because it seems as tho much of the food that's "good" for me, I can't eat because it gets stuck and is just too much work! I end up resorting to those foods that I know won't get stuck. Like chocolate, chips, (I do drink BOOST everyday)
I can sit and eat a 1/2 cup of reeses pieces with no problem! Of coarse, I don't eat anything else.....
I have to eat really S L O W!! sometimes I forget cuz i'm hungry and it's too late! it's stuck! "sigh"
I get frustrated at times because I JUST WANT TO EAT IT! LOL.....but can't!
I've really noticed the difference in the way I eat now. The size of my bites are tiny...tiny...tiny! and I chew....chew....chew! Ha, don't go out to eat with me, we'll be there FOREVER! I usually end up taking my food home and eating it later at a much slower pace!
No, I wouldn't change a band is where it should be, i'm so thankful I HAD THE SURGERY! Wouldn't change that. I just have to continue to teach myself what to eat and how to eat!
Now, where is the ice cream! LOL
take care!
Friday, May 23, 2008
God is Evident
Moms new steps and patio
Crazy week
I am doing great and looking forward to getting out of town and to the cabin this week end!
Talk to you soon!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Fargo Marathon.....I did it!

Hey there, I did it! Yippy! What an incredible experience! It was amazing to see so many people ranging in age! kids, teens, up to an 82 year old man who ran! I think it's great so many parents understand the importance of teaching their kids about a healthy lifestyle!
It took me 44:57 but I did it and I ran the whole way. Sure, a SLOW run, but my goal was to NOT walk and I didn't!
OVERALL PLACE: 2634 out of 6824
Not too bad! top 39%
Thank you so much to Jay Nelson, my brother in law for being right there for me a the last stretch......I was coming around the bend, exhausted and ready to give up and walk and there was Jay! He jumped in next to me and helped me "GO FOR IT"! Thank you and I am proud of you too Jay!
Jay Nelson: 25:05
in his division: 11th out of 368
in his gender: 206 out of 3551
I hope you know if there is something you want to do in life, you CAN do it! I NEVER would have thought I could run a 5K and I did! Just put your mind to it and GO FAR! Get it? FARGO MARATHON is GO FAR! he he
You can check out the pictures my sister and mom took at the link above!
Take Care!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I did it!
For the first time ever, I actually ran the whole 5k tonight! Sure, many people could walk faster than I was trotting, but I didn't walk any of it! That is pretty awesome for me!
Tomorrow Jared from Subway is on our morning show, 7:20. He is running the Fargo Marathon so he's doing publicity stuff. We are pumped to have him in the studio!
I am very excited for the Fargo 5k! Can't wait to be a part of the experience. If you would have asked me if I would ever run a marathon, even a 5K I would have laughed at you! I couldn't even run 30 feet.
Take Care and be Happy!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Almost time for the Fargo Marathon
I have struggled with keeping my work out routine too, it just seems like things have been really busy and I've put working out on the back burner. Don't get me wrong, I haven't quit exercising all together, I just haven't been as faithful as I should. Especially considering the Fargo Marathon is this Saturday. I'm ready for it tho, as ready as I can be.
I have to say I look forward to Boop a Thon training being done so I can get back to my regular work out time.
I'm excited for this Thursday, Subway Jared is joining us live on the air. Tune in if you can!
Man I've been tired lately, off to bed!
Have a great Tuesday,
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Caitlin Calgaro laid to rest
John 14:16-17
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
Here is a picture of Caitlin's mom and I. Tanisha(my oldest daughter) and I spent some time with Loni Saturday morning! Never pass up an opportunity to spend time with your friends!
Take Care,

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Brianna Smith upgraded from critical to serious
HI this is Caitlin Calgaro's best friend, just wanted to be sure anyone looking for information would be able to find it! If you know more about Briana, don't hesitate to blog it!
I also recieved an email from a family from of Travis and Katie, the two passengers in the other vehicle. They both need prayer, having an extremely hard time with this!
Thank you so much!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Caitlin Rae Calgaro

November 15, 1991 April 28, 2008
Caitlin Rae Calgaro, 16, of Iron, died Monday, April 28, 2008, in a tragic motor vehicle accident in Cherry.She was born Nov. 15, 1991, in Virginia, the daughter of John and Loni Calgaro.
She lived in the Virginia area the past several years, most recently in Cherry. Caitlin had a strong faith in the Lord, she “Loved the Lord,” and was confirmed at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Virginia on May 2007.
She enjoyed volleyball, softball, skating, hockey, horseback riding, playing flute in band, camp, and being a ski instructor.
She is survived by her parents, John and Loni; brothers, Dustin Calgaro of St. Cloud and Travis Calgaro of Lakeland; sister, McKenzie Calgaro of Iron; paternal grandparents, Marian Skrbich of Goodland and Richard Calgaro of Grand Rapids; maternal grandparents, Darlene and Jim Sherrard of Zimmerman; aunts and uncles, Rick (Barb) Calgaro, Monica (Steve) Carpenter, Mike (Sue) Taylor, Shelly (Randy) Jacobsen, Cathy (Tom) Kremers, Jim (Karen) Calgaro, David (Mitzi) Calgaro; cousins; and many friends.
Funeral: Service will be at 11 a.m. on Monday, May 5, at Grace Lutheran Church in Hibbing.Visitation: Will be from 6 – 8 p.m., Sunday, May 4, and for one hour prior to the funeral service on Monday at Grace Lutheran Church in Hibbing. Revs. Brad Felix and Mark Palmer will officiate.Burial: Interment will be at Maple Grove Cemetery, Goodland Township.Memorials may be directed to the Family of Caitlin Calgaro, C/O Trinity Lutheran Church, 900 S. 13th St., Virginia, MN 55792.Family services provided by Bauman-Cron, a Bauman Family Funeral Home in Virginia. To leave a personal remembrance of Caitlin online, please see:
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The loss of a dear friend
A week ago Sunday I got a call from a very dear friend Loni Calgaro. Her and her family are very special and precious to me and my family. Her oldest son Dustin(22) spent a couple years living with us several years ago. They also have a son Travis 20, daughter Caitlin 16, and Mcenzie 4 1/2.
Loni and I talked about "stuff" and we shared the excitement of seeing each other this coming week end. Caitlyn and I have always been great friends too! I love her so much. She will be missed. I am still in shock. I just sent her a text yesterday, wondering why she didn't reply, now I know why!
Please pray for them!
Psalm 18 (King James Version)
Psalm 18
1I will love thee, O LORD, my strength.
2The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
3I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.
4The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid.
5The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me.
6In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
My day
Geez, I'm workin my butt off, you would think I could watch it a little closer! I am gonna! darn it!
Boop a thon training tonight-I had cortisone shots in both heels today and didn't do what the Dr told me. He said no "trotting". walking is fine....well, I trotted. It's not like I'm going super fast and slamming my feet on the ground. Anyway, I did pretty good, was able to keep up my pace better than last week, so I am getting a little better! I'm still at the back of the pack! That's OK, it's given me a chance to get to know another gal in BOOP A THON, Karen. I enjoy our conversations!
Gotta get to bed! Hey, day 3 of no TV! Man it's been tempting, especially before bed. AND GREYS ANATOMY is on tomorrow night. I think I might have to watch it. I deserve it! right?!
Take Care,
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
TWEET what you eat
This is awesome, my hubby showed it to me last night, I thought it was too hard to understand and boy was I wrong! I've been searching for the best way to keep track of what i'm eating and this is perfect for me! I am a on my computer quite a bit for work and personal use so it's pretty cool!
Check it out, let me know if you like it, wanna do it and have troubles/questions!
Had a good day today, day 2 of no T.V.- Even Savanna is gung ho! Steve...he'd like to turn on the T.V. but didn't! good job honey!
Have a great Wednesday!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Fun with Family

Sure had a great time with you guys, I am so glad I took a vacation day and joined you! I'm realizing more and more how important it is to spend a little time with those you love! I know I won't go to my grave wishing I worked more! You know what I mean?
Take care,
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I love M&M's
Alright, enough is enough! I need to make a promise to you, yes you! And I need you to ask me how i'm doing.
I promise to not buy another bag of M&M's! hmmm, for a month! How bout I take er a month at a time! yeah! SO, no M&M's until May 16!
I promise to also cut back on snacky foods and focus on eating better!
Have a great day!
Friday, April 11, 2008
(see the YOUTUBE video here)
Here is Randy's blog too: HERE
I am also a Mike Gallagher fan,
message from Mike
As I drove into work today, Kevin Wall was in for Mike and at the close of his show he shared the news that Mike's wife Denise took a turn for the worse......cancer......
As I sit here getting ready to do another morning show, I have tears in my eyes, but yet I'm thankful for a husband who battled cancer and won, he is now cancer free. I have my father, diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer: mantel cell lymphoma
Most people die from it, my dad DID NOT. He's had an extremely hard battle the last 2 years with it, but won! I called my dad last week and he gave me the good news! CANCER FREE!
Please visit our website and look at the information about our Relay For Life coming up, join our team! Help us make a difference!
God bless you and remember to tell the people you love that you love them. Give em a big hug too!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
My beautiful daughter and loving husband

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Paying closer attention
My husband just said to me, "honey, you've spent 39 years learning how to eat wrong". You can't expect to just "unlearn it like that"! Thanks honey! That is very true!
I'm "trying" different solid foods, trying to figure out what I can and can't eat. I tried a Southbeach lunch today, green beans, chicken and sauce. It was small pieces of chicken, but I couldn't eat it. I ate about 1/2 and it started getting uncomfortable, so that was the end of that!
I think I ate too fast! dang it! Hey, i'm eating a heck of alot slower than I used to!
ok, I'm very tired, had to host the Colgate Country Showdown last night at Borrowed Bucks and i'm way too old for it!
Enjoy the week end and keep prayin for more sunshine!
Monday, March 31, 2008
My video patient story is on
Hi, just wanted to share the video with you. I haven't watched it yet, I don't like watching myself, kinda nervous about watching it. I know, silly!
take care,
I ate 3 cookies today.........
One of the problems with Lap Band is you can still eat things like cookies, chips, crackers, stuff like that. Of all the food that gets stuck, those are things that DON'T get stuck!
But, with that said, I did reach another goal. I shoot for 10 pound goals, starting with 290, then 280....270...260......250 and I FINALLY got under 250, 248 today! It's seems like I've had a really hard time getting under 250, so I'm pretty excited about it!
I know it's because of BOOP a thon training and the running/trotting I'm doing!
OK, I'm off to bed, thanks for reading my blog! I hope you are doing great! Spring/Summer is coming! Do you have goals you want to reach? Can I help in anyway? Don't hesitate to email me,
Have a great one!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
BOOP a thon training
We had our 2nd BOOP a thon training tonight at Center Court Fitness Club and we ran/walked, it was great! Monday night we lifted weights and did some tuff training. I think all of our legs are sore today, it's a good sore tho! Yep, sure! LOL
I am loving the training so far and if you are not exercising, call Center Court and let them help you get on track! They are so helpful and friendly!
BTW, food is going down good today! Yippy!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Dr. was right.....imagine that!
I'm just glad I made the decision to go in and have it taken out. Alot of times "banders"-that's what we're called, will suffer thru it because we think we'll loose more weight this way. Not true. Actually, I believe it's opposite. It's taken me about 40 years to realize that.
The worst part of the last few days was the exhaustion that came with this constant battle with food stuck. It is so stressful and such an emotional drain. I become more tired than I already am and it makes exercise very difficult.
Exercise is the key, I can't stress that enough!
Dr advised me to keep food records and try different foods and see what is going to be good for ME! Of coarse, try those foods at a very slow and small rate!
It's not hard for me to admit I was wrong and she was right! I am very thankful!
Thank you Dr. S!!!
Take care and let's hope this snow melts and things dry up! I am ready for spring!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Where does the time go?
I am very happy to share that we raised 42, 220 for St. Jude children Research hospital last Thursday and Friday and I am also happy it's over. It's alot of work.....alot of stress and last week was not a good week emotionally for me. I struggled alot!
Sometimes it seems like the more I want to change things, the more they stay the same. Does that make sense?
My eating hasn't been the greatest. Been eating Dilly bars, and food that goes down easy like cream! LOL
Usually soup for lunch, i'm really hung up on cheese salsa and chips. ....I could eat that cheese salsa by the jar! Heat it up and ...tah have soup! LOL
I'm going to get a fill tomorrow.....I can eat too much and I don't like it. I am only going to get 1/2 cc tho. There is no way i'm taking a chance on getting too much fill! That was terrible!
Since it's been so nice, i've been coming home and "trotting" with my dog. I call it trotting because it's not running and it's not walking.....I just kinda trot along!
I can't wait for Spring/Summer! yeah!
oh, my oldest daughter Tanisha called.....long story short, her kitty cat bit her really bad and she has an infection running thru her veins. Doctor said she needs to come in ASAP if it spreads outside a circle she drew on her wrist. She said it hurts really bad......I just hope and pray it doesn't spread!
Off to run, not gonna give in to the dilly bars tonight! :-)
have a great Easter if I don't talk to you!
Sunday, March 9, 2008

March 8, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Update on my worst week end ever
I went for my fill Friday afternoon, It seemed to be fine, as I could drink water afterward without any gurgling or pain. However, a few hours later, I started feeling VERY tight... like a golf ball was in my throat. I was stupid for eating a green olive, but thought it was mushy enough, boy was I wrong. Here I sat in pain dealing with that "slimy" feeling, and I was gurgling A LOT. I hacked up as much as I could for a couple hours and tried going to bed only to be woken up by the choking.
Saturday morning, I drank a small amount of Boost in the morning, I was able to keep it down but I was doing ALOT of gurgling/burping. It was so frustrating and painful. Spent the day totally uncomfortable and went to bed again without anything in the evening, (more choking in the night).
Sunday, I tried drinking Boost, but couldn't keep it down, I had to pull over several times on my way to work to hack it up. I managed to drink about a 1/4 cup of water during teaching SS. Went home, tried drinking water and I started slimming so bad that I was spitting saliva every few seconds. I could not even drink water without it coming back up. I had chills, started gagging, and "threw up"... twice! My daughter said I looked like a cat hacking up a hair ball... but it was more like a slime ball.
Every few hours the pain/golf ball feeling would almost be gone and I was so thirsty and hungry I would try drinking water again, and a few tortia chips(they go down easy!). Bad decision OVER AND OVER......more hacking.
We had friends come to town for a concert, I went(shouldn't have) and had to come home because I spent most of my time in the bathroom hacking. I even tried sucking on a hard candy and the saliva I produced came up. I came home, exhausted I went to bed, again choking and this was the first time I have vomited since having the band, and although it was not acidy like normal vomiting, it WAS somewhat projectile. There was a lot of slime in it, but then again, I really didn't have anything inside me to come out except saliva.I have only had water since then... and although I have not vomited again, I am still burping, and the water is coming back up into my throat.
Monday(this morning) I got up for work, and left at 7:30 so I could get there to have some fill taken out first thing. I couldn't wait a minute longer. Please understand as uncomfortable as it was, this happens to all banders at some point, most tho not as extreme as my experience. When I sat down Friday to get my fill, my doctor determined by the information I GAVE HER, that 1cc would be ok, normally it would have been. It wasn't and she felt terrible this morning that I had to go thru what I did.
I am so glad it's over, I had my Gatorade in hand ready to drink as soon as I sat up! I can't express the happiness I felt drinking it! WOW, it was great! I am so thankful it's over and I hope(as always) you can learn from my experience!
I have been exhausted today, slept several hours this afternoon and am off to bed at about 8:30.
Take care!~ and drink up!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
I can't swallow~too tight
I have tried drinking water a couple times this morning, it's going down, but I can only take a small swallow at a time.
Yeah, I think I'll go back in on Monday and have Shellie take some out.
For now, I'm gonna try and drink some Boost!
enjoy the day!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Leap Year Day FILL~8cc's full
I went in for a fill today, was going to have just a 1/2 cc, but went ahead and had a full cc. I have a feeling I may end up back in Shelles office next week having some taken out. I could be too tight. I tried drinking some V-8 juice and had a hard time getting it down. With Lap Band, when things don't go down, you get really burpy. So right now i'm doing a lot of burping(v-8). oh, I thought I could get away with eating a couple jalepeno/green olives...LOVE EM! They're stuck. It's been about an hour now.
It will definately be interesting to see how things go over the week end. As uncomfortable as I am right now, it's my own fault, I should have known better but couldn't resist those darn olives.
I will check in in the next couple days and let you know how i'm doing!
Enjoy the week end!
I registered for the Fargo Marathon!
And my brother in law Jay Nelson for the encouraging words:
"It is really impressive that you are taking an active role in your health. I can't remember how many times I've wanted to quit while training, so hang in there. When I first started 14 months ago I could not run more than 1/4 mile, and I was pretty chubby. But hard work pays off, especially when you are on a race course and everyone is cheering you on. Most people never make it to a starting line, much less a finish line, so when you stand at the start for the Fargo 5K you'll already be a winner. Its not the finish time that counts, its the fact that you had the guts to even start.
Its said that we can live for 40 days without food, 7 days without water, minutes without air; but not a second without hope. So hang in there, and we'll stand together as winners at the starting line.
Jay Nelson"
I am not a runner, LOL, much like Jay~heck, I couldn't run 1/4 BLOCK! I will most likely power walk for most of the 5K, but that's OK! I will be there. I'm sitting here amazed with myself as I type that I'm gonna do this. Wow, I suppose I should start training! :-)
Would love to have you join me, go to the website and register and DO IT WITH ME!
my exercise routine currently:
Racquetball-5 times a week
Strength Training-4 times a week
Take care and I hope and pray I can inspire you to take that step to a healthier YOU!